First Cow for Brother

My brother was about six years old when Dad gifted him with a Brahma heifer to call his very own. This cow was a bit spirited from surviving a tornado at a neighboring community. My brother had a patient calmness about him and gradually tamed this new addition to the farm. The cow became gentle enough to get a hug and eventually my brother put a cowboy hat on her head. She didn't flinch as long as he was there hugging her. This first cow created a passion and love for animals and the farm for my brother. He felt so vivacious about farm work and learned so much. The fresh air and open spaces of the rural Midwest enticed my brother to yearn for adulthood on the farm. He was determined at a young age to grow his own herd, and he began by keeping the heifers his first cow birthed. At 45 years old, he has his own herd of cows, and every one of them is a descendant of the first cow he had at six years old. He makes this his busine...